Electrical Engineer at City College of New York
Hola! My name is Yeiry Chaverra and welcome to my website. I am from Puerto Rico and I moved to the United States when I was in 8th grade. I always had a fascination with tech since I was a kid and this fascination was what led me to pursue an electrical engineering major at City College of New York. During my free time I enjoy bulding puzzle, watching documentaries and coding. In the past, I had coded applications using python, visual basics, and Html. My favorites colors are black and white so I coded a website where I could showcase my journey with tech using my favorite colors as hte color layout of my first fully coded website
Next year, I will be participate in a program that is a series of career development workshops and a paid, three-week, mini-internship experience where I will be working on a group challenge project given by their host company.
Certificate Pending
Learning about Iot(Internet of Things), IT essentails, Programming
(HTML, CSS & JavaScript) and Critical Career Skills
Worked with this organization to give middle schools the opportunity to learn more about tech.In my first event I organized an event with the organization's help to teach six middle school girls how to use a micro bit.
In this one week program, I worked with a team of three people (including me) to develop a wesbite using HTML that provides college students with their own personal time management tools. At the end of the week we presented it to an audience of tech profressionals and participants.
Technical Support Google IT Course
During this course I learned binary code, customer support, Linux and
the basics of troubleshooting. This course is one of four other IT
Google Courses.
Dean's List (Spring 2020)
Best Financial Hack at Techtogether Hackathon(2019)
Verizon Wireless
I worked in a team that monitored power and environmental alarms on the Verizon Global Network at Verizon Global Power Network Operation Center Performed update on outage database and created and deleted business customer tickets that were used to fix interruption of electrical services